We just got Tony one of those toilet seat-
smallerizers (that's a word, right? ha.) so that he can sit on the potty without fear of falling in. Yesterday (Day One) he had a small success, which was accompanied by much laughter, because even though he's not quite two, it is instinctual: little boys just know that bathroom sounds are funny. So he laughed and I clapped, trying to emphasize the greatness of this moment. Grandmas were called, and more praise was heaped upon him.
Day Two: This morning while watching his all time favorite show (Little Einsteins, aka "Rocket") he tore his eyes from the screen and informed me that he wanted to go potty. Thinking the motivation was to get some
pre-lunch chocolate (m&ms have figured prominently in the the build up of excitement for going potty), I laughed inside at the lengths children go to for candy, and put him on the toilet. Well, much to my
surprise, barely a moment passed before he was fully engaged in the business at hand. More laughter, more clapping.
I was impressed by his knowing that he needed to go, and actually telling me about it beforehand. While it's much to soon to get my hopes up, I am relieved that so far, it's going well.