- When your library religiously enforces it's LAME policy of only having ONE copy of any particular book, which is of course currently checked out.
- When, in desperation born of new resolve to be financially conscious, you hold fast to the rule of not buying a book until you have read it and know that you like it, so you resign yourself to option number 2: book on CD (note: with the funds spent on purchasing the audio book, the library could have bought two or three more regular copies).
- In order to listen to said book-on-CD, you must dig out that ancient and otherwise obsolete item: your portable CD player (because the whole household objects to listening to your book on the living room stereo, dooming you to the solitude and uber-gooberness of the Level 2 Walkman) and hope it still works, despite being found in the bottom of a toddler's toy box.
- After having dedicated 21 hours and 19 minutes (probably 3 or 4 times longer than it would take to just read it) listening to the story, otherwise ignoring your real life (except for things you can do simultaneously like wash dishes [yeah, right] or play Marple*), you finally reach the end, and your only response is, "wait, what?! that's it?"
*Marple: App Store it.