Monday, June 21, 2010

Frustration Is

  • When your library religiously enforces it's LAME policy of only having ONE copy of any particular book, which is of course currently checked out.

  • When, in desperation born of new resolve to be financially conscious, you hold fast to the rule of not buying a book until you have read it and know that you like it, so you resign yourself to option number 2: book on CD (note: with the funds spent on purchasing the audio book, the library could have bought two or three more regular copies).

  • In order to listen to said book-on-CD, you must dig out that ancient and otherwise obsolete item: your portable CD player (because the whole household objects to listening to your book on the living room stereo, dooming you to the solitude and uber-gooberness of the Level 2 Walkman) and hope it still works, despite being found in the bottom of a toddler's toy box.

  • After having dedicated 21 hours and 19 minutes (probably 3 or 4 times longer than it would take to just read it) listening to the story, otherwise ignoring your real life (except for things you can do simultaneously like wash dishes [yeah, right] or play Marple*), you finally reach the end, and your only response is, "wait, what?! that's it?"

*Marple: App Store it.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Just now we were sharing a cookie and I ate the last bite (I am the mom, after all--it's my prerogative!)
T: Can I have some more?
M: Sorry bud, it's all gone.
Tony runs to the kitchen: Let's go get some more! Come on, Mommy!

Walking around the store today, Tony grabs his pants.
T: Mom! My bummy rash hurts.
M: I'm sorry. Should we put some medicine on it?
T: Yes. And you need to kiss it.

Don went to Washington DC for the week. We took him to the airport on Monday. Every day since then:
T: Daddy went on an airplane! He'll be home Friday. Today is Friday.

This afternoon.
T: I like Rocket. We need to watch some.
M: Nope, not right now.
T: But we haven't watched Rocket for DAYS!
M: We watched it yesterday.
T: Oh, that's right.

When I come out of the bathroom (sorry for the visual)
T: Great job going potty Mommy!
M: Um, thank you Tony.
T: Do you want a sticker?

His new responses to just about anything.
For yes: Oh YEAH!
For no: Nah, probably not.

When he shows you something he's proud of

As Ususal...

It's been awhile since I last blogged, as pointed out by a Grandma who shall remain nameless. In an attempt to appease her, I have returned.

I will begin with a couple more funny sleeping pictures because they are fun :)

You can't see it, but he's got his feet resting on his pillow (which he calls his Milk Pillow because it has a white pillowcase on it. He also calls Don's white shampoo Milk Shampoo. ha.) These are the special things he needs for bed. Good thing we have four free bags to take on our trip to Oregon (beginning NEXT WEEK, btw:D)

He ate lunch while I was in the shower. Tired much? hahaha.

Joyful in a laundry basket spaceship.

Helping Don tighten the chair screws.
Testing out his new church duds.