The day finally came! I've been wanting to go to the Zoo for so long, and Don was able to get today off so we all got to go together. It was a bargain, because it was $2 Tuesday, and if you take the MAX they reduce the admission by $1.50 so for the three of us it was only ONE DOLLAR to get in!! (You're probably thinking, "wait, what? 3x($2-$1.5)=$1.50; Mieka you really need to go back to school, etc etc." Little do you know, that kids 3 years and under are FREE! so my initial computation is correct.) What a deal, considering normal adult admission is like 10 bucks per person! To celebrate getting in for such a steal, we purchased, and promptly devoured, an Elephant Ear (effectively rendering our savings moot. SO worth it! hehe).
Anyways, here a *ton* of pictures from the day:
I'm jealous! ;) Awesome pics!! I love them- adorable. :)
agreed. great, great pictures. I especially love the last one, with the trees and the leaves and tony reaching. he is darling.
and I love zoos. and bargains. and you. (especially you)
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