Don sometimes calls Tony "Baby Frank." Having never had an interest in the Rat Pack, I didn't catch the reference right away. Don was kind enough to clue me in to his little joke: apparently our son looks like Frank Sinatra. What do you think?
Our dog Roobin is on cloud nine these days because his best friend Ann is staying with us while her family is out of town. She is about 6 months old, which is perfect for Roob who, at almost a year and a half, still acts like he's six months. They have so much fun playing tug, as you can see by the shredded debris of what used to be a blanket. As much fun as trashing my yard is, their all time favorite game is face chewing. Here we see Ann going for a knockout punch, which is cheating according to the official rules of face-chew. Roobin wins by default.
Tony and Don looked so handsome all dressed up for church. It was Tony's first time going, and he was so well behaved! We only stayed for the first hour, and he slept the whole time.
We gave Tony his first "sit in the water" bath when he was two weeks old. I take his one-eye-half-shut look to mean he is thinking about if he likes it or not...
(There is no need to tell him that his naked baby photos were online)